Bread and Butter Pudding

I have been rubbish these last few months and well and truly lost my mojo so haven’t been shooting much worth blogging. It hadn’t happened to me for ages and it wasn’t until a few weeks ago that I realised my mojo had gone on holiday without me. I would love to hear how peopleContinue reading “Bread and Butter Pudding”

Toasted Almond Madeira Cake

After the disaster that befell the UK on Friday, there was nothing else to do but bake. I had been meaning to try out this Dan Lepard recipe for toasted almond madeira cake for a while and the end of last week seemed like the right time to give what seemed a very comforting andContinue reading “Toasted Almond Madeira Cake”

Salmon and New Potato Tart

I had my eye on this M&S recipe for Salmon and Cornish new potato tart for a few weeks and a picnic was the perfect excuse to make it. This tart has a really nice fresh flavour thanks to the lemon zest and travelled well too. I made my own pastry but you could use 300gContinue reading “Salmon and New Potato Tart”

Crustless Mini Vegetable Quiches

These mini crustless vegetable quiches came to be after I needed a quick lunch last week. My impending homelessness has made me be a bit more frugal with my food shopping and that means getting inventive with left overs so I set about seeing what else was lurking in the fridge after I finally usedContinue reading “Crustless Mini Vegetable Quiches”

Mini Lime Meringue Pies

This post was born out of the need to use up a lot of eggs before I go away so you may curse my frivolous use of whole eggs in the lime curd and the subsequent redundant yolks from the meringue. You could of course use another curd recipe that used yolks only but theseContinue reading “Mini Lime Meringue Pies”

Roasted Roots Frittata

I’m still not feeling 100% and the surprise cold spell this week prompted me to cook something comforting and decidedly autumnal so apologies, it’s not entirely in keeping with the season but it’s what I needed this week. I found this oven roasted roots frittata recipe whilst thumbing through my colleagues copy of River CottageContinue reading “Roasted Roots Frittata”

Strawberry Daiquiri Pavlova

I came across this Sarah Randell recipe for Strawberry Daiquiri Pavlova in the June issue of Sainsbury’s Magazine and being a huge fan of rum and pavlova knew I had to give this a go. Having always been daunted by making meringue I decided to bite the bullet a few weeks ago and I’m soContinue reading “Strawberry Daiquiri Pavlova”

Baked Egg Custard

A highly under rated pudding. Yes it lacks wow factor but it is extremely comforting on a cold and wet weekend. Luckily I am over run with eggs on this ridiculously cold and wet May weekend. This recipe was taken from the April 2005 edition of Waitrose Food Illustrated in a piece entitled Flossie’s CountryContinue reading “Baked Egg Custard”

Apartment Apothecary

Make your home feel better

Amy's Bakes

All about baking! Including vegan, gluten-free and dairy-free recipes

What do I eat now?

How to maintain fitness success -- deliciously.


the inside view on life and holidays in Languedoc, southern France

One Man's Meat

Multi-award winning food blog, written in Dublin, Ireland.

Fork and Pixel

Adventures in food and photography

View from a French Hillside

Life, nature and photography on a French Hillside

Chez Moi

A repository of recipes and memories

Food, Photography & France

Journal of a food photographer living in France

Susan Jane White

Taking the Hell out of Healthy

Eat, Play, Clove

Cooking is no mean feast!

Georgina Hayden

Feeding since 1982

TantoVerde: Simple. Delicious. Vegetarian

Dedicated to my dear friend Tanya, all the best vegetarian practices from my secret recipe book will be posted here


a food & happiness blog

The Little Library Café

Cakes. Desserts. Sweets. And Books.


Trying to live a creative life

Joshi Daniel Photography

Photoblog of Joshi Daniel

Cooking Sustainably

Cooking sustainably is making a choice to cook in a low impact way, a simple way, with low waste and low energy. There are many interpretations of sustainable food, and here I only focus on ways that we as individuals can make a difference with our choices.

aklayarar işte..!

Just another weblog

Beth's Brother's Kitchen

Putting food in your eyes.

Freshly Seasoned

Hunting down remarkable food, local producers and off-the-map experiences in the heart of London

lemongrass and ginger

one cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well

Artichoke & Typewriter

Kate Packwood // Flavour // Food // Whiskey // Gin

Edinburgh Bakers

Formerly known as the Edinburgh Cake Ladies

The Modern Husband

Simple pleasures

A small insight

Sharing my life with you x


A food blog containing delicious healthy vegetarian recipes, cake recipes, cookie recipes and more

Pinch Of Salt London – We Are What We Ea

Adventures in food and photography

Berry Foodie

Adventures in food and photography

David Lebovitz

Baking and cooking recipes for everyone

Slice Of Slim

Adventures in food and photography


Adventures in food and photography

honey & jam | recipes + photos

Adventures in food and photography

Gluten Free Girl and the Chef


seven spoons

Adventures in food and photography

Not Without Salt

Delicious Recipes and Food Photography by Ashley Rodriguez.